News Articles
July, 2017
Avoid the Microsoft phone scam
  CJ Network Systems enables Clients to use IT effectively and efficiently to meet their business goals, and at home.  This is one of a series of bulletins we provide as a courtesy to
July, 2017
Cry , Bitcoin – or your Data?
Where would your business be if all your data disappeared, and your IT system locked up? For one thing, you wouldnt be reading this blog post. Guard your data! Ransomware is
April, 2017
Beware new “can you hear me” scam
It’s not a Verizon commercial: If you receive a phone call from someone asking “can you hear me,” hang up. You’re a potential victim in the latest scam circulating around the U.
July, 2016
SEO — Done Correctly
Getting On “Ground Zero” With Your Competitors Takes Time. After that, you or your provider must procure links in one of several ways: content creation, paid link placement, paid c