Who Will Be your Guide?
Soothing Solutions is proud to offer Guided Float sessions by Allen Montalbano. Allen has spent 5 years training with guidance of the permanent Float Master and Life Coach John Lademan. Allen has extensive float experience and is uniquely qualified to offer exclusive float guidance to clients of Soothing Solutions.
What Can I expect?
A Trained float guide may encourage deep self-reflection and encourage participants to document their float experiences in journal entries.
In addition to recording their experience of guided float sessions in their journal, individuals may also document the occurrence of voluntary and involuntary positive actions and events that occur over time. This can be a common occurrence among those with conditions including depression, posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD), hyper vigilance, social anxiety, and chronic pain.
The journal may also be used to document any experiences in the tank, such as positive actions intentionally generated on their own, when practicing techniques initially learned from the float guide. Over time, this documentation may provide information and insight into the participant’s physical and mental states, resulting from the formulation of a specific action plan and floating
A typical guided float package would include 8 floats and 10 hours of guidance.
Introductory Guided Float Package Price $650.
Ask about Military and Service Personnel Discounts.
Contact Soothing Solution now to book your guided float sessions